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Ethan Klein came back to TikTok in a bizarre manner after spending some time away from the application. After uploading the TikTok video where he replied to TrishaPaytas's humorous collection of his Tourette's Syndrome, TikTok mysteriously deleted it. Because of the YouTube channel they have, Hila Klein, Ethan Klein's wife, has a sizable internet following. His comic approach makes him a good fit on the TikTok platform. In addition, he's built a loyal following through his response videos. He enjoys being able to comment on videos with others and respond to all kinds of content. Prior to this, he uploaded videos to TikTok as a way to promote his well-known Podcast and YouTube Channel. After Trisha's tweet, Ethan returned to the website to post his duet with Trisha It's been a long time since Trisha Paytas, and Ethan Klein have been fighting. Ethan Klein first attacked social media stars who employed excessive filters as well as editing on their accounts. Trisha was the example he employed and became the target of his mockery. Trisha got angry and went on Twitter to criticize him as filthy. She went one step further and mentioned Ethan's wife, Hila, in many of her messages. Hila is not Ethan's wife.

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